Ocean Ranger One
Ocean Ranger One is an experimental scientific submarine. It is powered by a revolutionary new device, which splits water down into hydrogen and oxygen. It is non-polluting, and 100% sustainable, and its inventor, Professor Kate Cowdell, hopes that it will pave the way for cleaner, cheaper, safer travel in the future.
Ocean Ranger One's crew is composed of scientists, naval officers, and two children, who broadcast what they have learned on the voyage to schools around the world.
First stop, The Azores, where the submarine will be trying out a new system for detecting undersea earthquakes.
Not everybody is happy with the submarine's mission, however. There are some who would happily see it fail...

The crew.
Lt. Commander Nick Risdale, RN skipper
Prof. Kate Cowdell physicist
Lt. Rosie Hale, RN engineer
Dr. Tom McLennan biologist
Dr. Ludmilla McLennan seismologist
Dr. Iqbal Adeel climatologist
Peter Toomey teacher
Sophie McLennan junior crew member
Ben McLennan junior crew member